novae 360 - powered by the startup studio

Solving for a Global Problem

Industry is demanding a workforce that can prove proficiency in very specific employability skills. That is why novae 360™ has come to the market - to be that trusted verification system capable of building competitive market-based portfolios.

Loss expected by 2030 due to the talent shortage and skills gap in the U.S. alone. (PWC)
$ 6 trillion
L&D professionals who said that reskilling the current workforce to fill skills gaps is a priority now. (LinkedIn)
54 %
Organizations that are pursuing initiatives to address skills gaps amid a tightening labor market. (CompTIA)
69 %
Employers who report having trouble finding qualified talent due to skills gaps. (Monster)
67 %
Workers surveyed who believe their current skill set will become irrelevant by 2023. (Degreed)
36 %
Workers surveyed who feel supported by their organization's skill development opportunities. (MIT & Deloitte)
24 %

Current Market-Demanded Skills

According to’s Most Demanded Soft Skills in the Workplace 2020 Report

Team player

According to World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report: Top Skills 2025

Analytical thinking and innovation
Active learning and learning strategies
Complex problem-solving
Critical thinking and analysis
Creativity, originality and initiative
Leadership and social influence
Technology use, monitoring and control
Technology design and programming
Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

Looking Closer at Market Demands

Adobe’s In-demand skills you need to get hired in 2022

Data Science: Creativity, Time management, Proactivity, Project management, IT automation, Data analysis and statistics
Engineering: Strong, active communication, Adaptability, Creativity, Project management, Software development, Product management
User Experience: Adaptability, Compliance and self-discipline, Virtual presence etiquette, Writing, IT automation, AI
Workplace Diversity: Virtual presence etiquette (on virtual calls: Zoom, Teams, etc.), Conflict management, strong, active communication, Data analysis, AI, Video and audio production
Digital Content: Creativity, Proactivity, Time management, Project management, Graphic design, Data analysis and statistics
Business Development and Sales: Conflict management, Project management, Data analysis and statistics, Graphic design
Education: Strong, active communication, Creativity, Virtual presence etiquette, Data analysis and statistics, Project management, Graphic design
Mental Health: Creativity, Conflict management, Digital marketing, Sales, Project management
Professional Coaching: Strong, active communication, Conflict management, Project management, IT automation, AI

McKinsey Research’s 56 foundational skills that will help citizens thrive in the future of work

Cognitive Skills
Critical thinking: Structured problem solving, Logical reasoning, Understanding biases,Seeking relevant information
Planning & ways of working: Work-plan development Time management and prioritization
Communication: Storytelling and public speaking, Asking the right questions, Synthesizing messages, Active listening
Mental Flexibility: Creativity and imagination, Translating knowledge to different contexts, Adopting a different perspective, Adaptability, Ability to learn
Self-leadership Skills
Self-awareness and self-management: Understanding own emotions and triggers, Self-control and regulation, Understanding own strengths, Integrity, Self-motivation and wellness, Self-confidence
Entrepreneurship: Courage and risk-taking, Driving change and innovation, Energy, passion and optimism, Breaking orthodoxies
Goals Achievement: Ownership and decisiveness, Achievement orientation, Grit and persistence, Coping with uncertainty, Self-development
Interpersonal Skills
Mobilizing Systems: Role modeling, win-win negotiations, crafting an inspiring vision, organizational awareness
Developing relationships: Empathy, Inspiring trust, Humility, Sociability
Teamwork Effectiveness: Fostering inclusiveness, Motivating different personalities, Resolving conflicts, Collaboration, Coaching, Empowering
Digital Skills
Digital fluency and citizenship: Digital literacy, Digital learning, Digital collaboration, Digital ethics
Software use and development: Programming literacy, Data analysis and statistics, Computational and algorithmic thinking
Understanding digital systems: Data literacy, Smart systems, Cybersecurity literacy, Tech translation and enablement
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